Box 90 Ginew, MB R0A 2R0
Emergency: (204)427-2202
TollFree: 1 (866) 801-8399
Tel: 1 (431) 800-1275
24/7 On Call Medical Van: (204) 746-5544

Providing quality health care services with the people of Roseau River Anishinabe First Nation
Wiijii-windwaa ge-izhi mino-bimaadiziwaad Anishinaabeg Waawii’aanoshko-ziibiing miinawaa Zhiibaashkodeyaang Daan-aki

The daily operations of the Ginew Wellness Center is managed by the Executive Director and Assistant Director. Leadership oversees areas of Health Planning & Management, Project Management, Policy Development, Human Resources, Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Risk Management, Operations & Maintenance, Financial Management and Reporting, and Health Care Advocacy.
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Administration Support
The Administrative Assistant provides support to the Leadership in areas of purchase ordering, human resources, filing and tracking, policy development, event and activity planning, financial reporting, and on-going accreditation activities. Administration Support also provides on-going assistance to all other programs.
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Sanitisation & Maintenance
The Sanitisation and Maintenance Department is responsible for maintaining standards of cleanliness, decontamination and sanitisation in addition to maintaining the facility. This is an integral part of Accreditation Standards and Safe Work place guidelines and legislation.
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Child Development & Family Services

Maternal Child Health
The Strengthening Families Maternal child Health Program (SF-MCH) is a family focused home visiting program for pregnant women, fathers and families of infants and young children from zero to six years of age. The program provides support to families in First Nation communities that builds on their strengths and addresses the family's needs, questions, and concerns. The SF-MCH program also assists families to access other supports and health services. This program provides home visits to families by a nurse and specially trained home visitors, provides referrals and access to other service supports and promotes coordination of services for children and families with complex needs.
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Aboriginal Head Start
The Aboriginal Head Start Program in Roseau River First Nation recognizes children as our future. The Aboriginal Head Start Program provides a comprehensive experience for our children ages 2-3 years of age. The centre is based on caring, creativity, and pride from our culture and tradition and provides a holistic and safe environment.
"Our mission is to empower and support parents as the primary caregivers of their children. We aim to support the physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual growth of each child in life long learning."
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Jordan's Principle
Jordan's Principle is a Child First Initiative available to First Nation children and youth from birth to age twenty-one. This voluntary program aims to provide First Nations families with prevention and intervention programs that meet the special needs of their children in a natural and fun setting.
The goal of the Jordan's Principle program is to prevent First Nations children from experiencing delays and denial of essential services available to all other Canadian children.
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Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program
The Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) is specific to prenatal and postnatal women. The program provides group education sessions such as topics on nutrition, breastfeeding, infant feeding, baby food making, prenatal growth and development, labour and delivery, healthy eating and pregnancy, etc.. This program also provides healthy snacks at CPNP events and monthly food vouchers for healthy foods.
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Wellness & Holistic Health Services

Mental Health, Wellness & Addictions Services
Counselling is a confidential process designed to help individuals and families address their concerns, come to a greater understanding of themselves based on their needs, and to learn effective personal and interpersonal coping strategies. The focus of the Wellness Support Team are individuals and families in the community of Roseau River First Nation. We strive to build trusting and supportive relationships within the community. We work with individuals and families that would benefit from and are willing to participate in multi-agency collaborative planning and action.
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Physical Fitness
The Physical Fitness Program is open to all community members. We offer one-on-one training, and group fitness classes. Our operating hours are 8:30am - 4:30pm Mondays to Fridays. Community members must be at least 15 years of age to use the weight room with parental permission by signing a waiver.
Our weight room includes and elliptical, treadmill, stationary bike, medicine balls, Olympic bars with weighted plates, as well as a power cage. We have many options for enhancing physical health.
If anyone is unsure how to begin a fitness regime or how to use certain equipment, the fitness worker can assist with any needs.
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Community Health & Immunization
The community health nurse focus is on the global well-being of the community offering educational services to promote overall health and wellness. Three major focuses within this are immunization, sexual health and wellness, and prenatal nutrition.
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Aboriginal Diabetes Initiative
The ADI Program supports a range of health promotion, prevention screening, and care activities that are community based and culturally appropriate. Increase awareness and knowledge of diabetes, risk factors, complications and prevention strategies.
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Water Quality Testing
The Water Quality Testing Program regularly monitors community drinking water quality in the distribution system (reserve), water delivery trucks, wells, and cisterns (rapids). The community's drinking water quality in public buildings is tested weekly, the water truck is tested monthly, and the cisterns and wells are tested semi-annually.
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Foot Care Program
The Foot Care Program consists of foot assessment, mono filament testing, swabbing and cleansing the nails with an antiseptic, cleaning and clarifying nail definition, trimming the nails following the natural curve of the nail, filing rough edges until they are smooth, cleaning away loose dead skin, filing the smoothing minor corns and calluses applying lotion, client teaching regarding appropriate foot care and foot wear and nursing assessment and documentation of care.
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Medical Transportation Services
The Medical Transportation Program can assist community members with transportation to access medically necessary health services not available locally. The medical Transportation Program works diligently to offer services to community members 24 hours, 7 days a week (a service that exceeds most Medical Transportation Programs in other First Nation's communities). The Medical Transportation Coordinator and Medical Driver's work collaboratively with the Medical Clerk, Nurses, Physicians, and other Health Care Facilities to best coordinate its services.
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Home Care
The Home and Community Care Program is housed in the Ginew Seniors Lodge, a branch of the Ginew Wellness Center. Our home care program consists of a Home Care Nurse (RN), a Support Services Supervisor, a certified Health Care Aid, a cook, a Cook Assistant, and several Home Makers. All services are based on a client assessment and care plan prepared by the Home Care Nurse. Clients may qualify for services such as home making, laundry, baths, home visits, meals, and activities.
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The Success Through Advocacy and Role modelling program offers support to prenatal and postnatal women to support healthy pregnancies and lifestyles. This is a client-centred program that links participants with a mentor who assists them in identifying and achieving goals related to wellness. Mentors offer non-judgmental 3 year mentoring, advocacy, and emotional support to women who are not otherwise effectively engaged with community resources.
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Medical Clinic Services
The Ginew Wellness Center hosts medical clinics for visiting physicians and a nurse practitioner through partnerships with the Red River Valley Health District and RHA-South. Physician clinics are scheduled every Wednesday afternoon and two afternoon clinics every other Monday and Tuesday (please refer to our Calendar for specific clinic dates and times). We also have a Nurse Practitioner Clinic every Thursday. Please contact the Medical Clerk for more information or to schedule an appointment.
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In-Home Care
The In-Home Care Program provides non-medical support services to seniors, adults with chronic illness, and children and adults with disabilities (mental and physical) who reside in the community to help them maintain their independence. The In Home Care Program provides services to eligible clients including Meals on Wheels, Bath Program, and Light Housekeeping Services. This program is coordinated by the Support Services Supervisor and is based on a Needs Assessment and Treatment Plan conducted by the Home Care Nurse and/or Nurse in Charge.
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